The world according to me
Nice to meet you! My name is Annemieke Jongbloed and I am the founder of Way coaching. I have a positive view on the world and the people around me. I believe that we, as humans, are all okay. Each of us is valuable and worthwhile and we are capable of making decisions for ourselves. This does not mean that life is always good, relationships are easy or that we always succeed. Life happens, with all its ups and downs, and it is how we deal with it. I do not have the answers to how you will be successful, but I do know how to support you to find your way in the world according to you.

My experience
I have 20+ years’ experience as an HR professional and manager in the hospitality, pharma and supply chain industry. I worked in an international setting, in both profit and not-for-profit. I support employees, managers and management teams with coaching and advice on all people related matters. My experience in recruitment & selection, people development, occupational health & safety and people management gives me a good insight in the hearts and minds of those around me, and the variety of personal goals and ways to achieve them. For my full resume you are welcome to look at
In 2021 I started working as a life and career coach and have worked with people with different life goals and challenges, supporting them to find their way.
I coach in Dutch and English, online as well as in person.

I have successfully completed the Coach Expert training at NONONS, a training accredited at senior practitioner level by the EMCC/EQA. I work with a variety of coaching methods and techniques, like Transactional analysis, ACT, systemic work and solution oriented coaching.

I am a registered coach at the NOBCO, which is the Dutch association for professional coaches. NOBCO is part of the EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council), which provides a high standard of coaching through accreditation of coaches (EIA) and coaching education (EQA). I work according to their international ethical behavioral code.