Coaching is not training and it is not therapy. Coaching can help you in a pragmatic way to achieve your goal. A key belief is that you already have the answers you need within you. My role is to help you find these answers, by using different conversational techniques and exercises. Coaching will bring insights, and will also guide you to action, in order to not only talk but actually make steps to achieve your goal.

Way coaching is for you as a professional if you: 

  • are looking for more fulfilment in work and life;
  • want to gain more insights into your behaviour and the effect on others;
  • are dealing with work pressure and/or stress;
  • want to learn to recognize your boundaries and learn to say 'no' (and when and how to say 'yes'); 
  • deal with insecurities in a better way and become more resilient;
  • want to make clear choices with confidence;
  • want to become more assertive in a way that suits you;
  • like to improve your relationships in work as well as in private life;
  • wish to present yourself with confidence;

In short: Way coaching is for you if you wish to achieve your personal goals

Discovery call & proposal

We start with a discovery (video)call, free of any obligation. The goal is to get to know each other, talk about what you want to achieve with coaching and what I can offer you. At the end of the intake you decide if coaching with me is your way forward. I will send you a tailor-made proposal with a package fitting your needs.  

Coaching sessions

On average 6 sessions are needed to reach your goal. Each session we start with your successes towards your goal, small or big. This could be from becoming aware of certain behaviors and not yet being able to change them, to actual change in behavior. We will talk and do exercises that will help you in creating awareness, making choices and taking actions towards your personal goal. We close the session by agreeing on what you will do in the time between sessions, practicing the learnings in real life.  


We evaluate halfway to see if you are going in the right direction and if you feel you are getting the right support. The sessions will be closed if you feel you have reached your goal, or when you are confident you have the tools to achieve it by yourself.

We will plan the sessions according to our calendars. Usually I will schedule 2 weeks between sessions, so you are able to practice or work on your goal. Nearer to the end of the program we can schedule more time between sessions.